
Fusce ornare fermentum nibh id pharetra.


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Text element styles for new site design 2023

H1 for new site design

H1 for new site design

H2 for new site design - ante justo, tristique vel turpis et, aliquam bibendum nibh

H3 for new site design

H4 for new site design

New Rich Text element - class = 'rt-dfl-23'

Every CMP Construction project is individually evaluated by M.C. Consultancies Services Associates Limited and allocated a site-specific safety plan that identifies, assesses, manages and controls risk on that site prior to work commencing. Our consultants also monitor health and safety on each site to offset risk. This enables us to give our clients independent reports about our levels of health and safety compliance.

H3 element in Rich Text element

At CMP Construction we are totally committed to creating drug and alcohol-free workplaces to protect our people, our clients and the integrity of our sites. We have a zero-tolerance policy for any consumption of alcohol and drug taking on our sites. To ensure compliance we use an independent consultant specialising in workplace drug testing to undertake random tests on our sites. Any worker found to be non-compliant is removed from the site immediately and not permitted to return.

  • Nunc at dui a lectus accumsan condimentum.
  • Nunc eu vehicula ante.
  • In nec bibendum turpis.
  • Quisque pellentesque, nulla quis imperdiet varius, nisl nisi commodo dolor, in pulvinar nulla augue nec nisl. Sed ante eros, porttitor id tortor sit amet, condimentum efficitur urna.
  • Fusce mollis consequat velit, vel ultricies magna. Pellentesque ut libero malesuada, feugiat sapien eget, efficitur est. Sed euismod ante lacus.

Pellentesque efficitur malesuada arcu, nec lobortis odio porta id. Donec finibus augue et eros viverra molestie. Vestibulum viverra ac magna in rhoncus. Donec eleifend velit et ex euismod rutrum.

Aliquam at leo cursus diam semper varius. Mauris id tristique nunc. Pellentesque at ligula sit amet mi laoreet rutrum vitae at tortor. Phasellus ante justo, tristique vel turpis et, aliquam bibendum nibh. Nullam non pretium purus. Fusce nec sagittis nunc. Sed in pharetra libero. Vestibulum vitae placerat leo, sit amet varius tellus.

New Rich Text element - class = 'rt-dfl-23'

Every CMP Construction project is individually evaluated by M.C. Consultancies Services Associates Limited and allocated a site-specific safety plan that identifies, assesses, manages and controls risk on that site prior to work commencing. Our consultants also monitor health and safety on each site to offset risk. This enables us to give our clients independent reports about our levels of health and safety compliance.

H3 element in Rich Text element

At CMP Construction we are totally committed to creating drug and alcohol-free workplaces to protect our people, our clients and the integrity of our sites. We have a zero-tolerance policy for any consumption of alcohol and drug taking on our sites. To ensure compliance we use an independent consultant specialising in workplace drug testing to undertake random tests on our sites. Any worker found to be non-compliant is removed from the site immediately and not permitted to return.

  • Nunc at dui a lectus accumsan condimentum.
  • Nunc eu vehicula ante.
  • In nec bibendum turpis.
  • Quisque pellentesque, nulla quis imperdiet varius, nisl nisi commodo dolor, in pulvinar nulla augue nec nisl. Sed ante eros, porttitor id tortor sit amet, condimentum efficitur urna.
  • Fusce mollis consequat velit, vel ultricies magna. Pellentesque ut libero malesuada, feugiat sapien eget, efficitur est. Sed euismod ante lacus.

Pellentesque efficitur malesuada arcu, nec lobortis odio porta id. Donec finibus augue et eros viverra molestie. Vestibulum viverra ac magna in rhoncus. Donec eleifend velit et ex euismod rutrum.

Aliquam at leo cursus diam semper varius. Mauris id tristique nunc. Pellentesque at ligula sit amet mi laoreet rutrum vitae at tortor. Phasellus ante justo, tristique vel turpis et, aliquam bibendum nibh. Nullam non pretium purus. Fusce nec sagittis nunc. Sed in pharetra libero. Vestibulum vitae placerat leo, sit amet varius tellus.


We have implemented robust policies to enhance the health and safety of our workers and stakeholders on our sites.

Every CMP Construction project is individually evaluated by M.C. Consultancies Services Associates Limited and allocated a site-specific safety plan that identifies, assesses, manages and controls risk on that site prior to work commencing. Our consultants also monitor health and safety on each site to offset risk. This enables us to give our clients independent reports about our levels of health and safety compliance.


At CMP Construction we are totally committed to creating drug and alcohol-free workplaces to protect our people, our clients and the integrity of our sites. We have a zero-tolerance policy for any consumption of alcohol and drug taking on our sites. To ensure compliance we use an independent consultant specialising in workplace drug testing to undertake random tests on our sites. Any worker found to be non-compliant is removed from the site immediately and not permitted to return.

We have implemented robust policies to enhance the health and safety of our workers and stakeholders on our sites.

Every CMP Construction project is individually evaluated by M.C. Consultancies Services Associates Limited and allocated a site-specific safety plan that identifies, assesses, manages and controls risk on that site prior to work commencing. Our consultants also monitor health and safety on each site to offset risk. This enables us to give our clients independent reports about our levels of health and safety compliance.


At CMP Construction we are totally committed to creating drug and alcohol-free workplaces to protect our people, our clients and the integrity of our sites. We have a zero-tolerance policy for any consumption of alcohol and drug taking on our sites. To ensure compliance we use an independent consultant specialising in workplace drug testing to undertake random tests on our sites. Any worker found to be non-compliant is removed from the site immediately and not permitted to return.

  • Our consultants also monitor health and safety on each site to offset risk.
  • This enables us to give our clients
  • independent reports about our levels of health and safety compliance.

Template for Live Sites output - with video

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Template for Live Sites output - no video

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Ron Macrae

Founder & Managing Director

Ron Macrae

Founder & Managing Director

Ron Macrae

Founder & Managing Director

Ron Macrae

Founder & Managing Director